Discussing the idea of introducing a graduate employer levy, removes the need for student loans completely whilst providing a sustainable long-term funding solution for HE institutions.
Lessons learnt from the integration of further and higher education in Wales for the future structure of the UK's tertiary education, with a particular view to learning from areas of innovation in education provision.
Discussing the Blunkett Report's proposed reform of the apprenticeship levy into a "growth and skills levy", and how training support can be targeted at local and sectoral skills "cold spots".
Discussing the challenges facing skills and lifelong learning as we gradually enter the next general election cycle, and what comes next for tertiary education.
Discussing the role that specialist institutions can play in addressing local skills "cold spots", building on Jesse Norman's experience with the New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering in Hereford.
Report Launch: The Role of Microcredentials in Modular Learning
8 June 2022
This report seeks to explore the emerging role of microcredentials in modular learning and how a common understanding can enable alternative pathways to higher level qualifications in the UK.